Blender Nvidia RTX OptiX support fix
How to get OptiX support working on Blender 2.8x / 2.9x?
If you have an Nvidia RTX card and your Blender preference under Cycles Render Devices under the OptiX tab greys out your GPU card, then the most likely cause of this is your GPU drivers. To resolve this download the latest Studio Drivers (SD) to get your OptiX working. Note it’s not the Game Ready Driver (GRD).
1. Go to Nvidia Driver download select the specification that matches your system and click on the search button.
2. Once the Nvidia site detects a match. Download this driver. As of current the latest driver is version 442.92 for Windows 10.
3. Install the download drivers and when complete restart your computer.
4. Launch Blender 2.8x / 2.9x and go back into the preference setting and you should now see OptiX enable.
As of currently OptiX is compatible with RTX 2060 / RTX 2070 / RTX 2080 and any of the Super and Ti series. OptiX is in experiment phase. From my end not all the material has been working so I’m currently switching in between turning off and on OptiX.
Design Sync Section: Quick Tutorial Guide
Software: Blender 2.8x 2.9x
Type of app: 3D Software
Related Sections: General
Blender is an free open source 3D software, similar to some of the leading apps like Maya, Max, Cinema 4D or Houdini. Download a full version here.
This Blender Guide on Design Sync offers quick tips and tricks for moments when your stuck or need to learn something really fast to get moving. Cater for beginners or people like me who have problem remembering everything inside Blender. Also design for people coming from other 3D software platform such as Maya, Max, Cinema 4D, or Houdini.