This is a buggy OptiX issue I have been having on Blender even though I do have an RTX 2070 and have updated to the latest Nvidia drivers and even tested on various Blender versions. What happens when I switch Denoising on OptiX it keeps giving me Loading render kernels (may take a few minutes the first time) eventually it crashes. After spending hours figuring this out, my be way around it is not have the OptiX on but rather switch to OpenImageDenoise on Viewport setting when you load Blender or before you do any rendering.
1. Load Blender, before selecting Viewport Shading to Cycles, go to Render Properties [...]
When I started learning Blender, I struggle to understand why my playback was sluggishly slow. Couldn’t really find a quick solution without having to clicking here and there until I stubble across this switch. Doesn’t make sense in terms of the UI labelling. Anyhow hope this helps for anyone stuck.
1. At the bottom of the timeline, click on the Playback button.
2. Go to Audio, select No Sync and change this to Frame Dropping.(This will drop frame rates with complex scene for a more like real-time playback)3. Press the Play icon or Spacebar to play your animation. Your [...]
You have completed your model and it’s time to render, so the question is what and how should the file be saved for me if it is just still or animation I save my file as a PNG format. You can select RGB or RGBA (A means alpha) depending on if your rendering has transparency.
Go to Output Properties tab.1. Under the file folder field, select the folder you wish to save your rendering. (Note this is for rendering animation, if your rendering just a single still image to don’t need to allocation the folder path.)2. Select PNG as your file format.3. Color: RGB if the background is not transparent or RGBA [...]
When you start up Blender, the user perspective is the default view you will use to construct your 3D model. The guide below is a general idea how to get started to get your view pointing in the right direction. This applies to with all created cameras in Blender as well.
Camera control, moving the camera:Rotate camera view = Middle Mouse Hold and then move the mouse around.
Zoom camera view = Middle Mouse Scroll Wheel or hold Ctrl Middle Mouse and then move up or down.
Pan camera view = Hold Shift and Middle Mouse then move left, right or up, down.
Add a new camera:
By [...]