If you do not have Hard Ops addon, this is probably the quickest way I have found to boolean objects in Blender.
1. Go to the preference and under the Add-ons, look for the Bool Tool.
2. Once your add-on has been installed. Simply click on your main object and then the target object.
3. Then press Ctrl Shift Num – to create a subtraction boolean.Other short cut keys include:Difference – Ctrl Shift Numpad –Union – Ctrl Shift Numpad +Intersect – Ctrl Shift Numpad *Slice – Ctrl Shift Numpad /
What is the boolean modifier used?When it comes to [...]
1. Select Context Render icon.
2. Select Cycles as your render engine and under Device select GPU if it is supported. In Blender 2.8 GPU rendering renders faster than CPU
3. Adjust render sample if required. Higher value results in better image quality.
4. Open the Performance tab followed by the Tiles tab.
5. Set the Tiles X and Y. Smaller tiles renders faster with CPU engine and larger tiles renders faster with GPU. These setting effects speed of rendering and does not effect the quality.
6. Select the context View Layer icon and scroll down to the bottom. Check Denoising [...]
1. Select Context Render icon.
2. Select Eevee as your render engine if it has not been selected.
3. Adjust render sample if required. Higher value results in better image quality.
4. Select the Context Output icon.
5. Adjust resolution in X and Y fields.
6. Press F12 to render single frame or go to Render > Render Image.
7. At the bottom left you can change the file format.
8. Set where you would like to save the image and assign a file name, then click Save as Image.
This [...]
Activate Node Wrangler add-on:
1. Go to Edit > Preference
2. Type in Node Wrangler in the search field
3. Enable Node: Node Wrangler by clicking the checkbox
Using Node Wrangler to speed up your connections:
When you create your textures use the appropriate suffix in your file names. Node wrangler have a tag auto texture detection in Principled BSDF which automatically plugs incorrect nodes. Below is the list of tags you can add to your file name.
Base Color:diffuse diff albedo base col color Subsurface Color:sss subsurface Metallic:metallic [...]