Tune in on 28th May, starting at 9am PDT for a live cast of the Google I/O talk. It’s a two day event of inspirational talk. A conference held by Google in San Francisco but you can watch it here live on Design Sync. Learn more about Google’s latest developer products, including web, mobile and enterprise application with Google and open web technologies such as Android, Chrome, Chrome OS, Google APIs, Google Web Toolkit, App Engine and more. Share ideas and be part of an experience, the hard core tech geeks, developer wonders, beautiful creative people your long awaited craving for this type of conference is almost here. Stay [...]
As a designer our profession is to provide creative solution on any given project, no matter how big or small. As we start analysing a brief our creative sensor kicks in, activating our brain cells to come up with ideas. While we might be experts at thinking creativity, but have you ever wonder that creative thinking in itself can be studied. Dr. Edward de Bono, the master mind of creative thinking has theoretical studies the thought of creativity, which leads we’ll look at the vertical and lateral thinking.
What is Vertical Thinking?
Vertical thinking is basically a sequence of proceeding one state of information to another state. It is a way of thinking [...]