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How to add a boolean modifier in Blender 2.8?

How to add a boolean modifier in Blender 2.8?

by Design SyncSeptember 12, 2019

Blender 2.8 Add Boolean Modifier – Customise Menu

1. To use a boolean modifier you will need two objects which intersect each other. Select your main object.

2. Go to the Modifier tab and select Boolean from the list.

3. Choose the Object from the dropdown menu or select the eye drop to select your second object.

4. Select your intersecting object. Click on the Context Object tab.

5. Open up the Viewport Display. Where it says Display as, select Bounds.

6. Now you can slide your intersecting object by moving it.

What is the boolean modifier used?

When it comes to 3D modelling, the boolean modifier is a useful tool to quickly carve areas in objects with another object. This modifier can also be used to intersect or union objects however it’s not commonly used for this purpose. While the boolean modifier is very fast to get you shape you like, this trade-off means the model will have n-gons. Still perfect for the object you do not need to apply rigging or deformers for animation.

This Blender Guide on Design Sync offers quick tips and tricks for moments when your stuck or need to learn something really fast to get moving. Cater for beginners or people like me who have problem remembering everything inside Blender. Also design for people coming from other 3D software platform such as Maya, Max, Cinema 4D, or Houdini.

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