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How to save your vertex, edge or face selections in Blender 2.8?

How to save your vertex, edge or face selections in Blender 2.8?

by Design SyncJanuary 25, 2019

Saving your selection is simple and can save a lot of time. Works with vertices, edges and faces.

1. Select your object.

2. Press the Tab key to get into edit mode on your object.

3. Select either Vertex (shortcut – 1), Edge (shortcut – 2) or Face (shortcut – 3) selection.
The numbers located just under the F Keys and not the Numpad keys

4. Mouse left click on the segments of your polygon object.

5. Click on the Object Data icon tab.

6. Under the Vertex Groups click on the + icon to create a new group.

7. With your selection still activated click on the Assign button.

8. You can test this out by deselecting the selection on the viewport and click on the Select button.

Version: Blender 2.8 Beta (January 2019)
Type of application: 3D Software
Related Sections: General / Modelling / UV unwraping / Rigging

Blender is an open source software for 3D creation. It offers modeling, texturing, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing and video editing used for animation, film, video games and more. The latest Blender edition, 2.8 is undergoing major development and is showing vast improvements from the previous 2.79 version. Click here to download the latest Blender 2.8 update.

  • AnnoyedAtAmateursTryingToTeachWhatTheyDoNotKnow
    July 24, 2023 at 1:26 am

    This does not save lines it saves the vertices. This is useless and misleading to claim you can save your Line groups. If you select and Edge Ring it will consist of only the vertical lines but after you save that group and try to restore it, it will select all the faces(horizontal and vertical lines).

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